Epta-Key offers the following services in the field of tax compliance:
- management of telematic tax compliance;
- drafting of the documentation to support annual VAT returns and TRs for quarterly VAT refunds;
- fulfilment of the tax requirements related to periodic payment of withholding taxes (excluding those for employees), such as F24, CU, and 770;
- transmission of F24 payment authorizations via the ENTRATEL electronic channel;
- transmission of notices of VAT changes;
- transmission of lists of intra-community purchases and sales of goods and services (INTRASTAT);
- integration of foreign transactions via XML file and sending to SDI;
- declarations of intent issued on non-taxable VAT purchases and monitoring the plafond;
- drafting and sending of periodic VAT settlements (LIPE);
- drafting and sending of quarterly VAT refund TR forms;
- sending of annual tax returns (VAT, IRES, and IRAP, 770);
- assistance in the area of registration tax, including registering deeds such as preliminary contracts (purchase and sale and lease), private deeds (contracts, commodity, etc.), and managing related annual renewals, extensions, transfers, takeovers and resolutions.