
Anti-Money Laundering

The Legislative Decree No. 231 of 2007, as amended and supplemented, enforces the Directive 2005/60/EC on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing, introducing specific obligations for certain categories of persons to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

The subjects involved include banks, insurance operators, other financial operators and certain professionals such as accountants, lawyers, notaries, and labour consultants.

The provisions of the Legislative Decree 231/07 are thus supplemented by the supervisory bodies of the respective sectors (Bank of Italy, CONSOB, and IVASS) and, for professionals, by the self-regulatory bodies (CNDCEC and CNF), to tailor them specifically to the characteristics of the recipients of the obligations, through the elaboration of technical rules and Guidelines on the interpretation of the aforementioned technical rules.

Epta-key provides assistance and consultancy in the area of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism, offering ad hoc solutions customized to the client’s needs.

In particular, Epta-key offers the following services:

    • assistance in drafting internal operating procedures;
    • assistance in the drafting of forms and in the storage of the documentation of the involved subjects;
    • fulfilment of anti-money laundering obligations (e.g. client due diligence).